Use these OKR check-in templates to make your update valuable to your team and all the stakeholders. To use, simply copy them, edit them and 🏌️‍♀️

Key Result Status: On Track

KR Status: On Track (Current number)

Updates from last week
We worked and shipped on the following initiatives which we believe will have an impact on our key results:

  • P1 – Initiative name
  • P2 – Initiative name

Priorities Next week
we plan to work on the following priority Initiatives which the team feels will have a good impact too.

  • P1 – Initiative
  • P2 – Initiative
  • P3 – Initiative

Blockers and risks

  • We feel we may not be able to ship x on time due to a lack of design resources
  • we are working with the leads to ensure alignment

Notes: The team feel confident in our ability to achieve this KR. This week we saw a 10% jump in our key result metric – Special to the team, and special props to @steve @bill and @elon for doing a great job! keep inspiring 🙂 🎉

Key Result Status: Behind

Template 1 – Not the right Initiatives
This KR is running behind schedule. Our Initiatives so far have not had a big impact on our Key Results. Our learning from them is as follows (list learning). We now plan on making the following changes which we feel will get us back on track.

At this point, we feel we are a bit behind on this KR, but we now have insights to make progress on this.

Template 2 – Not enough resources
We have challenges in resourcing from department X, leading to this KR being behind schedule. We need help aligning more resources to this KR to bring it back on track. We have already requested this from the respective departments and hope to have a solution soon

Key Result Status: At Risk

Template 1 – Not enough resources
We have challenges in resourcing which have led this KR to be at risk. We believe that given the current resources we will not be able to achieve this KR. We can either postpone it until we have the right resources to work on it again or close it for now.

Template 2 – Change in business focus
We’ve had a change in direction in business priorities which has led this KR to be at risk. The team is struggling with direction on this KR and we need help.

Template 3 – Market conditions
Covid has had a major impact on our work on this goal. there are things beyond our control due to which we won’t be able to achieve this goal.

Further reading

North Features
Getting started with North
Org and Team goals
Goal Initiatives
Goal Check-ins
Give Awards
Goal Alignment

Our take on Product
OKRs for AARRR Metrics
On Product discovery
Communicating well
Metrics for Product teams
Telling stories with data
Data visualisation


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