With the new Goal contribution feature in North, you have the ability to specify the exact % contributions against Key results and Child goals under any Goal.

From the Goal menu, click “Goal Contributions”

Set Key results and Child Goals contributions

How Goal contribution works

  • All the contributions must add up to a total of 100%
  • By default, all Key result contributions are distributed equally
  • By default, all Child goals contributions are set to 0%
  • For example, If a Goal has three key results, and three child goals, the default contribution assigned to each key result will be 33.33% and the default contributions of the three child goals will be set to Zero
  • When a contribution is edited, the contribution is considered “locked.” If a new Key result is added or an existing one is removed, the contributions marked as “locked” will not be automatically adjusted.
  • For example, if an objective has three key results, and the contribution of the first key result is edited and locked to 50%, the contributions of the second and third key results will be automatically adjusted to 25% each. If a fourth key result is added in the future, only the contribution of the second and third key results will be adjusted.

Flexible vs Locked contributions

Flexible Contributions
If a Key result or Child goal is set to flexible, new Key results or Child Goals added will automatically be set to equally contribute towards the parent goal. the existing Items will be automatically updated.

Locked Contributions
Any time a Key result or Child goal is edited manually (or locked via the lock icon), it is considered, well, locked. When new Key results or Child Goals are added or removed, these items are not impacted.

Reset contributions

Click the reset contributions link and choose between the following:

  • Only key results contribute – will make key results contribute equally, and set child goal contributions to zero
  • Key results + child goals contribute – will make all contributions equal.

Migrating from the Weightags to Goal Contribution

If you used the older weightage-based system, your key result weights have been migrated to the new contribution % based system.

  • If all the Key results of a goal had a weight of 3, they would all be set to flexible
  • If a key result had any other value, its corresponding value in % is calculated and the key result is then set to “locked

We recommend you review all your goal contributions once to make sure they are as you expect them to be.

North Features
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